Thursday, July 29, 2010

Benefits & Uses of Carrots !

Carrots are known for their high nutritional and medicinal qualities and are useful for a range of ailments. Here's why you should include them in your daily diet :

  • Carrots are known to be excellent for healthy skin, hair and bones.
  • They are also known to be great for the eyes. Eat them raw, cooked or boiled or have carrot juice regularly.
  • Suffer from heart problems? Experts say that carrots can reduce the risk of heart ailments.
  • Had a long day work? Freshly made carrot juice is known to give instant relief from stress and fatigue and will also clean your body from inside.
  • An upset tummy gets great relief from carrot soup. An excellent remedy for diarrhoea, carrots calm down your bowel system.
  • Choose your carrots well. The deeper the orange color, the more carotenoids (source of vitamin A) it has, which makes it a healthier option for you.
  • Carrot juice improves and increases your immunity more than any other vegetable. Having two glasses of carrot juice daily is known to increase your immunity by up to 70 per cent.
  • Carrot juice will lower cholesterol and blood pressure if had everyday.
  • Since carrots are high in fibre, they are very good for your colon. Another benefit? They regulate blood sugar as well.

Source : TOI