Friday, April 29, 2011

Home Remedies To Cure Acidity

Here are some home remedies to cure acidity... 

- Skip the aerated drinks as well as the caffeine. Opt for herbal tea instead. 
- Have a glass of lukewarm water everyday. 
- Include banana, watermelon and cucumber in your daily diet. Watermelon juice is great for curing acidity. 
- Coconut Water is known to soothe the system if you suffer from acidity. 
- Drink a glass of milk - everyday. 
- Have your last meal at least two to three hours before you hit the sack. 
- Keeping long intervals between meals is another cause for acidity. Have small but regular meals. 
- Try to avoid pickles, spicy chutneys, vinegar, etc. 
- Boil some mint leaves in water and have a glass of this after meals. 
- Sucking on a piece of clove is another effective remedy. 
- Jaggery, lemon, banana, almonds and yogurt are all known to give you instant relief from acidity. 
- Excessive smoking and drinking will increase acidity, so cut down. 
- Try chewing gum. The saliva generated helps move food through the esophagus, easing symptoms of heartburn. 
- Ginger aids in digestion. Either buy powdered ginger in capsule forms or add the herb to your recipes. 
- A simple preparation of lemon water with sugar can be sipped on an hour before lunch to reduce uneasiness. 
- Have vegetables like drumsticks, beans, pumpkin, cabbage, carrot and spring onions.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


6. Not reapplying moisture / sunscreen

Are you the jet setting type who slaps on lotion in the morning and then spends the next two hours at work without a further thought about your skin? Air conditioned offices sap moisture from your skin in a couple of hours. Also, no sunscreen retains its effect beyond two hours. Apply frequently -- at least during your lunch break, after a quick face wash.

7. Waxing your upper lip / facial hair

A total nightmare for your delicate facial skin -- the trauma causes tiny microscopic bleeding into your hair follicles that, over time, heal with scarring and end up causing roughness and pigmentation that is extremely hard to treat.

8. Going on a 'proteins only' diet

Fad diets deprive your skin (and body) of essential nutrients. You need vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and various micronutrients that a single food diet cannot give you. Talk to a professional dietician before embarking on drastic diet plans and get them to prescribe the appropriate nutritional supplements.

9. Late night partying

Your body sleeps at night, but your skin doesn't -- most of its repair and renewal work is done while you're in bed. Depriving it of the nightly eight hours of rejuvenation will obviously leave it looking dull and tired. Good sleep is a must for good skin!

10. Stressing out

Stress shows up after years on your heart and blood pressure, but almost immediately on your skin. So listen to your skin when it is trying to tell you something -- patchy complexion, blemishes, dullness, itchy redness, rashes appearing at periods of high stress, acne flare-ups -- all point to unwarranted high stress levels. Try yoga, meditation, exercise, or whatever your best stress buster is. 

Warning : The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


So, you think you lead a healthy lifestyle, eat the right stuff, exercise adequately and look after your skin. Stop and take a closer look. Are you doing things that could inadvertently damage your skin? These silent killers may be the reason your appearance is lacklustre despite your best efforts.

1. Not drinking enough water

This is perhaps the most repeated advice and the least followed. Your body needs at least two litres a day to remove toxins from your system, partly through your kidneys and partly through your skin. Lacking this, toxin build-up will affect your skin as well as your general health, making you tired and dull. Keep that bottle on your desk, and drink!

2. Picking your pimples

We do it unconsciously, when nervous, or just as a habit. Pimples don't harm your face permanently. What leaves untreatable scars is your picking, pinching and playing with them -- scars so deep that even dermatologist cannot get rid of them 100 per cent. Prevention is the best cure, so stop touching your face and start proper anti-acne treatment.

3. Shaving the wrong way

And it isn't just men I'm talking to. Women who use razors for body hair also beware -- shaving against the direction of hair growth (ie from below upwards) causes ingrown hair, damaged follicles and introduces infections into your hair roots that can cause painful recurrent boils. Shave only in the direction of hair growth -- this will prevent damage to your skin.

4. Not using sunscreen on a hill station

You've gone for a high altitude vacation and the cold weather makes you believe you don't need sun protection -- wrong! At higher altitudes, there are lesser layers of atmosphere between you and the sun to filter UV rays, so your ultra-violet exposure increases. You need your sunscreen all the more!

5. Taking hormone supplements for body building

It isn't just the men, even women who want a 'toned' look quickly take DHEA (DeHydroEpiAndroste rone) supplements. These are known to cause acne even in normal skin, and flare up existing acne. Protein supplements are fine though, and actually help your skin.

Warning : The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Simple Tips For Weight Loss - Part 2

* When you have cravings for certain type of food like chocolates or ice cream, once in a while, you can take in small quantities .

* Take fruits and vegetables which has lot of water content like watermelons, cucumbers and white pumpkin..

* Keep yourself engaged as boredom leads to overeating.

* Drink lot of water, at least 8 glasses per day.

* Use the stairs instead of lift. Park the car a little far away and walk to your office. Use every opportunity to be physically active.

* Walk, Walk and Walk as much as possible .Even if you are busy, go for walk at least 5 days a week.

* Aerobic exercise like jogging, swimming, cycling, running accelerates weight loss. Consult a physician before starting any weight loss program.. Aerobic exercise combined with healthy eating will certainly help in weight reduction.

* Make your exercise session enjoyable.

* Keep yourself free of stress

* Finally, weight loss is a slow process, so do not get disappointed and give up.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Simple Tips For Weight Loss - Part 1

* First of all, we must be determined to remain slim and work towards it. Develop a mind set towards it.

* Set realistic goals.

* Make lifestyle changes like giving up alcohol, smoking, avoiding fatty food, refined food,...

* Include fresh foods as far as possible as processed foods tend to contain high level of salt and sugar

* Do not expect immediate results.

* Never go for crash diets instead reduce weight gradually and slowly.

* Never skip meals as you tend to eat more, the next meal. Do not skip breakfast in particular.

* Include lot of fiber in your diet as it gives a feeling of fullness, thereby preventing you from gorging spicy and fatty food.

* Nuts contain lot of fiber. They are satisfying and cause people to eat less at meal time.

* Take warm lime juice mixed with honey the first thing in the morning.

* Go for skimmed milk.

* As far as possible avoid weight loss supplements.

* When you have cravings for sweets, take a fruit instead.

To Be Continued.....

Friday, April 8, 2011

Leading Causes Of Stress - Part 2

Caring for children
Children are very demanding of attention and can be a handful. If you work and have young children to take care of, it becomes difficult for you to find time to yourself and relax. Raising children and working a full time job can burn you out.

Problems with spouse or partner
Divorce, an affair, or an abusive relationship can be extremely stressful situations that are difficult to cope with. When we fall out of love, our trust is betrayed, or feel unloved by others, we are deeply, emotionally hurt. We may suffer feelings of low self esteem, hopelessness and self-pity. All of which are negative emotions that feed stress.

You will notice that many of the stress factors listed above are things which one has no control over. This lack of control makes one feel uneasy and can cause a person to worry about the future, yet another cause of stress.

To give you an idea of how serious stress is in our society, it has been discovered in studies that more than 40% of adults suffer from stress related health problems; over 80% of doctor visits are stress related; and more than 59% of employee absence are a result of psychological stress.


Source : Bavol

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Leading Causes Of Stress - Part 1

Leading Causes Of Stress

Stress can be caused by many events or factors, but certain issues increase the risk of stress more than others such as financial difficulties, illness, and family problems. These are common issues that many people are faced with during their lives, and are, therefore, considered to be leading causes of stress.

The following are some leading causes of stress that you may be faced with in your daily life:

Financial troubles
Financial problems are the leading cause of stress in our society. Western culture promotes materialism, making the most us feel as if we can never have enough money. Not only that, but the cost of living can be quite expensive, especially if you have children, are barely making ends meet, are a single parent, or unemployed. Serious money trouble such as debt, bankruptcy and poverty, can cause chronic stress.

Careers can cause stress in relation to:
• Promotion – Being given a new responsibility, and not sure if you'll measure up to it.
• Dissatisfaction- Not being happy with the job you do, feeling underpaid, overworked and not receiving the recognition you fell you deserve.
• Feeling trapped- Want to quit your job because you are unhappy with the people you work with, or are harassed by your boss or co-workers, but can't quit because you need the money to support your family.
• Overworking – Workaholics don't know when to quit and are either at the office all the time or bring their work home with them. People who work too much tend to have poor diets, lack exercise and don't take breaks.

Life altering event
Suffering the death of a loved one, moving far away, or being diagnosed with a serious illness are all life altering events people all over the world are faced with each day. Humans are creatures of habit, and most of us have a difficult time adapting to a sudden overwhelming change. If we don't properly express our emotions, we can sufferer prolonged periods of stress.

To Be Continued .....

Source : Bavol

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

10 Tips for Good Night's Sleep

10 Tips for Good Night's Sleep 

Stick to a schedule. 
Erratic bedtimes do not allow for your body to align to the proper circadian rhythms. Mum was right when she set a time we always had to go to sleep as kids. Also, make sure you try to keep the same schedule on weekends too, otherwise the next morning, you would wake later and feel overly tired. 

Sleep only at night.
Avoid daytime sleep if possible. Daytime naps steal hours from nighttime slumber. Limit daytime sleep to 20-minute, power naps.

It's actually known to help you sleep better. Your body uses the sleep period to recover its muscles and joints that have been exercised. Twenty to thirty minutes of exercise every day can help you sleep, but be sure to exercise in the morning or afternoon. Exercise stimulates the body and aerobic activity before bedtime may make falling asleep more difficult.

Take Shower or bath
Taking a hot shower or bath before bed helps bring on sleep because they can relax tense muscles.

Avoid eating just before bed. 
Avoid eat large meals or spicy foods before bedtime. Give yourself at least 2 hours from when you eat to when you sleep. This allows for digestion to happen (or at least start) well before you go to sleep so your body can rest well during the night, rather than churning away your food.

Avoid caffeine. 
It keeps you awake and that's now what you want for a good nights sleep. We all know that.

Read a fiction book. 
It takes you to a whole new world if you really get into it. And then take some time to ponder over the book as you fall asleep. I find as I read more and more, regardless of the book, I get more tired at night and so find it easier to fall asleep. Different for others?

Have the room slightly cooler. 
I prefer this to a hot room. I prefer to turn off the heat and allow the coolness to circulate in and out of the windows. If I get cold, I wear warmer clothes. It also saves on the bills as yo are not going to require the heat all night long.

Sleep in silence. 
I find sleeping with no music or TV on more easy and restful. I guess others are different, but sleep with no distractions is best for a clearer mind.

 Avoid alcohol before bedtime. 
It's a depressant; although it may make it easier to fall asleep, it causes you to wake up during the night. As alcohol is digested your body goes into withdrawal from the alcohol, causing nighttime awakenings and often nightmares for some people.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Know About Premature Ejaculation - Part 2

Do Kegel exercises. The same pelvic muscle strengthening that women practice to hold their urine after childbirth can help men delay ejaculation, reports Dr. Zilbergeld. To perform Kegel exercises, simply contract your buttocks for one second as though you were trying to delay a bowel movement. Do this 15 times in a row, working up to 60 to 75 contractions twice a day. The purpose of Kegels is to strengthen your pelvic muscles so that you can contract or relax as you near orgasm, delaying ejaculation. (Some men last longer when squeezing the muscles, and others, when relaxing them.)

Do your bodybuilding later. While exercise is part of a total healthy lifestyle that can prevent or reverse premature ejaculation, it's unwise to exercise just before sex, according to Dr. Burman. "Whenever you exercise, the body directs blood to that group of muscles. For instance, if you do bicep curls, blood will be directed to your arm muscles--and away from your penis. So save your exercise for another time."

Reverse position. "Men are most easily aroused when they are on top in the missionary position, so it might be best for her to be on top," says Dr. Burman. "When a woman is on top, you can control her motion by guiding her hips. That way, if you become too aroused, you can guide her to slow down or stop her movements."

Diet for better sex. Premature ejaculation is often due to physical changes in the body. Men over age 30 may begin to have problems with premature ejaculation even though their sex lives were fine when they were younger.

"The problem is often an inadequate blood supply in the penis," according to Dr. Burman. When the arteries in the penis become partially clogged with fat and cholesterol, maintaining an erection becomes more difficult. "When this occurs, your brain tells your body that you'd better ejaculate before you lose your erection, and a pattern for premature ejaculation is developed," says Dr. Burman.


Warning : The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.