Monday, October 5, 2009

Self Help Doctor - Are Nightfalls a Disease ?

Are Nightfalls a Disease ?

Nightfalls are commonly known as ‘WetDreams’ or ‘Nocturnal emission of semen’. At the age of 12-13, the testes in boys start producing sperms. At this age, boys start developing sexual attraction towards girls and start discharging semen during sleep. This discharge is invariably accompanied by sexual dreams. This is a normal natural, involuntary and uncontrollable response to sexual tension that gets built up within the body due to sex hormones.

There is no reason to be worried, frightened or feel guilty about a wet dream. It happens with all men and is not a disease. It is completely harmless and has no ill effect on one’s health or manhood.

If you do not masturbate, then nightfall is inevitable.

Source : Times Network