Monday, December 12, 2011

Pistachios : Get your facts straight !

With a pale green flesh and reddish purple skin, pistachio nuts have been a part of the traditional Indian culinary art. With concerns ranging from high cholesterol and high fat content to their ability to cause obesity, the truth is that pistachios are actually cholesterol-free and are useful in lowering cholesterol levels.

They also have several other cardio-protective elements; such as helping control blood pressure and weight reduction. Owing to their fatty acid profile, nutritional properties and bioactive constituents, pistachios have been found to be useful in the prevention and treatment of several disorders and maintaining good health.
The fat in pistachios is 90 per cent unsaturated. Mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) comprise 55 per cent of the total fat content. This type of fat is found in olive oil and has several desirable effects on our health. It has been shown to reduce bad cholesterol levels and increase good cholesterol. Thus a diet consisting of pistachios favourably improves lipid profile and reduces the risk of heart diseases.
Interestingly, pistachios are one of the richest sources of phytosterols and have been known to be a good source of other antioxidants (natural substances known to fight diseases and delay ageing) including beta-carotene (precursor for vitamin A), tocopherols (precursor for Vitamin E), carotenoids (zeaxanthin and lutein), selenium, and flavanoids. Carotenoids (zeaxanthin and lutein) protect against degeneration of the retina of eye and have a potential contribution in the prevention of heart disease and stroke. Their richness in selenium and other powerful antioxidants also contributes to their role in prevention of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
Due to their similarity in structure to that of cholesterol, it is believed that phytosterols "block" dietary cholesterol absorption in the body. They are also a good source of protein, fibre and potassium. Like most tree nuts, pistachios are a good source of arginine (an amino acid) known to have heart protective properties. In addition, this essential amino acid is also necessary for synthesis of neurotransmitters in the brain, helping in alleviating depression, controlling addictive behaviour and encouraging mental alertness. Pistachios also provide B vitamins. Vitamin B6 plays an important role in various biochemical reactions and efficient functioning of the immune system, red blood cell metabolism and haemoglobin production. It is also responsible for synthesis of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, both of which are necessary for nerve cell communication.
They have recently been studied for their role in improving glycemic (blood sugar) control and preventing diabetes-related complications. A study conducted by the University of Toronto claimed that pistachios, when eaten with high carbohydrate food items like white bread, may actually slow the absorption of carbohydrates in the body, resulting in a lower than expected blood sugar level.
In fact, they also help in weight reduction. It has been reported that Oleoylethanolamide or OEA, an appetite-suppressing compound in oleic acid, helps one feel fuller longer after a meal. 

The high potassium levels make pistachios a great choice for controlling hypertension and preventing arrhythmias (irregular heart beat). One serving of pistachios contains 310 mgs of potassium, a whopping 36 per cent of the daily recommended amount.

Pistachios can be consumed year round and provide not only nutrition, but also enhance taste and texture of food.

Source: Indian Express

Friday, December 9, 2011

Ways To Look Beautiful - Part 3

12.   Don't worry if you do not have well toned legs. Apply a little oil along the bone of your leg to give a leaner appearance. Polished, shiny legs look slimmer.

13.   Red wine is known to have antioxidants that are good for your skin. To get that fresh look on your face after a tiring day, splash your face with four to five tablespoons of wine mixed with water. Your skin will feel more soft and supple.

14.   Very often nails get stained because of dark polish. The best way to remove them is to rub lemon halves on your nails for about five minutes. It works as an astringent and will brighten them up.

15.   Apply eye shadow with a damp brush makes the color pop.

16.   To make your perfume last longer, apply a little petroleum jelly on your pulse points and then spray perfume on it.

17.   For a quick pedicure, dip your feet in warm water with sea salt and rub them with a dry loofah. Then, massage with a dollop of hydrating moisturiser and coat your nails with transparent nail paint.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ways To Look Beautiful - Part 2

7.    Have an evening party but don't have time to go for a facial? Take two or three ice cubes in a cloth and add a few drops of aromatic oil to make a round (potli). Rub gently to get a fresh looking face.

8.   Who does not want washboards abs? however, everyone can't hit the gym as often as they want to. So all of you need to do ladies, is to just pull in your stomach tightly everytime you sit or walk. A week's practice works out your muscles to make you look in shape.

9.   For a quick glow and a healthier look, just bend over from your waist and hold this posture for about 30 seconds. The blood will rush to your face giving you that instant glow.

10.  For instant, shiny hair, gently rub a silk cloth over them. The cloth reduces static electricity and makes your hair look neat.

11.  We all go through mornings when we run out of serum. In times of such tragedy use (very) little hand cream or conditioner and rub it on your tresses. it will work wonders!.

To Be Continued....

Source : TOI

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ways To Look Beautiful - Part 1

Look gorgeous this season with this cheat sheet :

1.  To treat a acne a baby anti-rash cream should be used, rather than a pimple cream because baby creams have zincoxide, which helps cure zits quicker than pimple creams.

2. The best way to make your lip color last longer is to apply a little foundation on your lips before using the lip color.

3.  For luscious long lashes, apply mascara on the tips and let it dry. Then, apply a second coat to the lashes covering them completely.

4.  For a shiny look, apply a little transparent gloss on the eyelids to achieve beautiful eyes in seconds.

5.  No time for waxing? And not a big fan of razors? All you need is to apply a little bronzer to your moisturizer and apply all over your arms and legs smoothly. It effectively camouflages body hair while making you look like a sun-kissed goddess.

6.  A home made mixture of crushed oats and honey works as well as session of body scrubbing in a salon.

To Be Continued....

Source : TOI

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Three Steps for getting Soft Lips !

1.   Just the way you exfoliate your arms and legs, do the same with your lips as well. But remember to be slow and gentle while scrubbing.

2.   After exfoliation, apply a good lip balm with SPF. just like your skin, lips too require protection from the sun.

3.   Lastly apply a moisturising lipstick. For a natural look, apply a shade that is closer to your original lip color.

Always apply a lip balm before applying any lip color or lip gloss for super soft lips.

Source : TOI

Friday, November 18, 2011

Cholesterol Tests

What cholesterol is, and what it does to our bodies.

Cholesterol Test

Our liver produces a wax like substance which is also found in some foods. This waxy substance called cholesterol is needed in order to produce vitamin D. It is also used by our bodies to build walls around cells, and to make bile salts that will allow us to digest fats. A thousand milligrams of cholesterol is produced by our liver each day, which is enough to sustain us without ever eating another cholesterol loaded thing. There are so many foods that contain cholesterol that it is not easy to avoid it. A cholesterol test helps that.

Heart disease is only one of the problems that can come from too much cholesterol, but there are ways to contain it. The one thing you need to do first is talk to your doctor and have a cholesterol test. A cholesterol meter, monitor, or other testing kit, can be used at home to monitor levels on a regular basis, and so adjust your lifestyle to improve your health and lessen the chances of getting a life threatening illness in the future.
The test is different from most of the other medical tests any adult might undergo, as it is not necessarily used for diagnosing disease, or to monitor a disease.

The cholesterol test is used for noting whether the patient is at risk for a disease such as heart disease or atherosclerosis, or perhaps death from a stroke or heart attack. An important part of preventative health is the cholesterol test.

There are two types of cholesterol (also known as lipoproteins) and they are HDL which is the high density, and LDL which is the low density.

HDL is considered to be the good cholesterol, and LDL is considered to be the bad cholesterol. The bad cholesterol will block the blood vessels and keep the blood from flowing through the body properly.
A routine cholesterol test is done during a patient’s routine physical at least once every five years. This is so unless the patient has a history of having a cholesterol problem; then it is suggested that the patient have a cholesterol test several times throughout the year. This is to monitor how well the cholesterol is being held at bay.

There is much talk these days about high cholesterol and the diet, and sometimes altering eating and drinking habits can make a big difference. Many patients that have been diagnosed with high cholesterol will need to have medication and diets prescribed for them.

A cholesterol test may be needed more frequently if the patient is at higher risk for heart disease because one of these factors which are considered to be major :
• The patient is a smoker,
• The patient is over the age of forty five (men) and fifty five (women).
• The patient suffers from hypertension with a blood pressure of more that 140/90,
• If the patient has a family history of premature heart disease,
• If the patient has already had a history of heart problems, or
• If the patient has diabetes.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cholesterol Meters - Test Cholesterol at home !

A cholesterol meter (or cholesterol monitor) is a handy new tool to help. Cholesterol testing meters are an easy way to do a cholesterol check at home. A cholesterol check meter can produce results in minutes, and some are known as a glucose cholesterol meter because they can check your glucose levels too. Cholesterol meters are fast becoming a tool commonly found in the home of health conscious individuals, and are used as a part of a stay healthy regime.

Although everyone needs cholesterol to help the body build new cells and produce hormones, high cholesterol levels can be harmful. The body gets its cholesterol (a fatty substance) via the diet and the liver. While the liver produces around 80 percent, foods such as meat, fish, cheese, and animal products provide the rest.

Foods that contain saturated fats result in the body producing more cholesterol. Many people think that avoiding animal products is the answer for how to reduce cholesterol, but there are foods that don’t contain animal products but do contain trans-fats which will still lead to the body making more cholesterol.

Cholesterol travels around the bloodstream by latching on to specific proteins.
Very bad cholesterol is known as VLDL or very low density lipoprotein.
Bad cholesterol is known as LDL or low density lipoprotein.
Good cholesterol is known as HDL or high density lipoprotein.

Chylomicrons carry a small amount of cholesterol but a large amount of fat known as triglycerides. High LDL cholesterol levels is often a factor in coronary artery disease such as atherosclerosis. This sort of disease can lead to strokes and heart disease, etc. High fat diets, obesity, stress, and inactivity, are all contributing factors in raising cholesterol levels. The problem can also be hereditary. Hospitals frequently advise doing a cholesterol check on these vulnerable groups of people, and they use very similar machines to the cholesterol meters you would use at home.

Many people are unable to pay for frequent cholesterol testing and this is where a home blood cholesterol meter comes in very handy. A cholesterol monitor (such as a home cholesterol meter) allows you to see what is actually going on inside your bloodstream and make any necessary adjustments, such as trying a cholesterol diet where you introduce foods to lower cholesterol. Using a cholesterol test meter will allow you to take control of your health and you should then take steps to find out exactly how to lower LDL cholesterol.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tips to keep your knees, back injury-free !

Follow some simple tips to keep your back, knees injury-free :

Who is most prone to back and knee injuries ?

Those with bow legs - outward curvature of legs or knock knees, where the knees touch each other while running, or flat feet, where the entire sole comes into contact with the ground --- should avoid running. They can instead train on the cross-trainer or swim for their cardio workouts. These conditions can lead to back or knee injuries.

Those who are excessively over-weight, too, should avoid running till they lose some pounds through a diet combined with specific workouts such as rowing or cycling. Such people's knees and lower back are already under pressure and could get easily injured.

Those used to walking with their feet pointing at an outward / inward angle from the body should avoid running till they consciously learn to walk without angled feet. Walking without the right form itself is inviting injury to the lower back and knees.

Some people have a posture where the legs are bent at the knees while walking. They need to straighten their legs first through stretching exercises before getting into a running or brisk walking regimen. Such a posture can cramp the calf muscles, leading to injuries.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

5 Ways to Energize Your Life - Part 2

Activate your day

Even though you may feel pooped after your workout, moderate exercise can actually give you energy. "As you exercise, you use blood glucose," Cochran explains. Your body then pulls glycogen (the stored form of carbohydrate in the liver and muscles) into your bloodstream, which can ultimately make you feelmore energized as your blood glucose level rises. To rev up your daily routine, Cochran recommends revving pacing when you're talking on the phone and taking the stairs at every opportunity.

Get an hour's more sleep

To function at your best, the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) recommends at least eight hours of sleep a night for adults. But according to a recent NSF poll, on average, adults sleep just under seven hours nightly during the work week.

With a chronic sleep deficit, it may take you long to execute low-level mental chores such as figuring the tip on your lunch check. And say goodnight to multitasking and making sound judgment calls — especially in crisis situations. All told, "anything that's not routine is difficult to do if you're tired," says Andrew A. Monjan, PhD, MPH, chief of the neurobiology of aging branch of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD.

Nix caffeine

Granted, caffeine can be a quick picker-upper, because it stimulates brain cells. But if you have trouble getting to sleep at night, "avoid caffeine after lunch," advises Sonia Ancoli-Israel, PhD, director of the sleep disorders clinic at the Veterans Affairs-San Diego Health Care System. Besides obvious sources of caffeine — coffee (103 mg caffeine/6 oz cup), tea (36 mg/6 oz cup) and cola beverages such as Diet Coke (46.5 mg/12 oz) — take stock of your diet's hidden caffeine sources, such as chocolate or coffee-flavored foods. Even some decaffeinate coffee has been found to contain small amounts of caffeine.


Article By: Sandra Agababian

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

5 Ways to Energize Your Life - Part 1

Got too much on your plate (and we don't mean food)? Here's what you can do to optimize your energy level and get it all done.

Just reading your to-do list is enough to make you tired: Pick up dry cleaning, go to the gym, learn software, plan birthday party, prepare for tomorrow's meeting, et cetera. If only you had the energy to get it all done. 

You can have more vim and vigor with just a few diet and lifestyle changes, like the ones below. Try these strategies at home, not to mention at work or at school. You won't be sorry.

Don't skip meals

To maintain your energy level, your body breaks down the food you eat into glucose, otherwise known as blood sugar — the main fuel for your brain — and sends a steady stream of it to your body's cells.

"To feel energized throughout the day, your blood glucose level should stay within a certain range," says Neva Cochran, MS, RD, a nutrition consultant based in Dallas. If your blood glucose drops too low — which can happen if you go too many hours without eating — you could feel lightheaded and lethargic, says Cochran. Your best bet: "Don't go more than four hours without eating something nutritious," she advises.

Balance meals with carbohydrates, protein and fat

It's important to get a balance of food types — no matter which plan you're on. "A combination of carbohydrates, protein and fat helps moderate blood glucose absorption so that your blood sugar rises gradually," says Cochran.

On the other hand, if you eat only carbohydrates, your blood glucose level could rise and drop quickly, leaving you hungry and low on energy within an hour or two after eating. Similarly, if you only eat protein, you'll get calories but they won't kick in fast enough to make you feel energized, says Cochran, because your meal's missing that carbohydrate-exclusive sugar-boost.

To Be Continued.....

Article By: Sandra Agababian

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Straighten Your Squint ! - Part 2

When should one suspect it?
The most important sign is when eyes are not positioned straight. When a child turns his face or tilts head to see in a particular direction.
Closes one eye in bright sunlight.

What happens if untreated?
Amblyopia (lazy eye) is a gradual deterioration of vision in an otherwise normal eye. The risk is greater in children below 10 years of age. Once the eye becomes lazy, it tends to be irreversible, unless intervened appropriately.

How does squint correction help?
Straightens the eyes (cosmetic), restores vision, preserves binocularity (To use both eyes simultaneously).

1) Orthoptics : It is a medical term for the eye muscle training programs. Orthoptics treat muscle problems only in regards to strength and is usually done using a special machine called the synaptophore. Customarily, all squint patients, especially those whose axis of deviation is not too much, are given a trial of exercises. 

2) Surgery : Squint surgery is reserved for those whose angle of deviation is great or those who have  had a trial of exercises and found inadequate improvement.

Source : Dr.Keiki Mehta, ophthalmologist.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Straighten Your Squint ! - Part 1

Frequent eye turns can be a nuisance. Treat your squint on time!

Squint or strabismus is cross-eyes. It is defines as a condition in which the eyes deviate (turn) when looking at a particular object. Eye doctors generally look for the presence of a strabismus when looking at distance (20 feet or more) near (16 inches for an adult and 13 inches for a child) lateral and vertical directions (up, down, left or right).

When the eye turns all the time, it is called constant strabismus. When it occurs only some time, it is called intermittent strabismus. With intermittent strabismus, the eye turn might be observed only occasionally, such as during stressful situations or when the person is ill. The timing and type of treatment  depend on the type of condition.

How common is this disorder ?
It is a common eye problem, especially in children. However, it is also known to occur in adults. It is seen in three-five percent of normal population. It can occur due to a variety of causes such as hereditary, muscle weakness, poor vision or any disease occurring within the eye, such as cataract in children.

To Be Continued ....

Friday, September 30, 2011

How the Immune System Works - Part 4

Practice stress management: When your body is under constant stress, you’re more vulnerable to everything from the common cold to major diseases.

“Stress from time to time is not necessarily a bad thing. But to not have relief from the stress -- to be under constant stress -- is deleterious to health,” says Polsky. That’s because a steady cascade of stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, weaken the immune system.

Chronic stress is linked to heart disease and hypertension, and it can also have an effect on white blood cell function, Polsky says.

“When I speak to people about lifestyle changes, I look at what they can do to manage their stress, whether it be meditating – maybe exercise is their form of meditation – whether it be spirituality of a religious nature. It really doesn’t matter,” says Berliner.

Strengthen relationships: Research shows that people with close friendships and strong support systems tend to be healthier than those who lack such supports.

A good sexual relationship may provide even more immune system benefits. A study of college students found those who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of an immune system protein called immunoglobulin A (IgA) than those who had less sex.  Sex may also help immunity by reducing stress and improving sleep. 

“I tell people to get good love in their lives -- good support, good friendships, however they need to get that love,” says Berliner.  Good relationships, along with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep, are part of a holistic approach to boosting the immune system and protecting yourself from disease. “And to treat any problem holistically, there is no one-pill approach,” Berliner says.


Thursday, September 29, 2011

How the Immune System Works - Part 3

A diet rich in antioxidant vitamins, on the other hand, can boost resistance to infection. Think about eating in color: dark green, red, yellow, and orange fruits and veggies are packed with antioxidants. Try berries, citrus fruits, kiwi, apples, red grapes, kale, onions, spinach, sweet potatoes, and carrots.

Other immune-boosting foods include fresh garlic, which may have antiviral and antibiotic properties, and old-fashioned chicken soup. Studies show that, if you do come down with a cold or the flu, a bowl of steaming chicken soup can ease inflammation and help you get well faster.

And mushrooms such as reichi, maitake, and shiitake may have a strong influence on immune function as well as enhance the production of chemicals that help your body respond to infection.

Get enough sleep: Regular bouts with insomnia may not only leave you feeling fatigued during the day, but also leave you vulnerable to illnesses, including colds, flu, and other infections. Long term, poor sleep also has been shown to increase the risk of other health problems, including obesity and diabetes.

The body uses sleep as a means of healing itself, says Scott Berliner, president and supervising pharmacist at Life Science Pharmacy in New York. When we don’t get enough sleep – or reach the deeper stages of sleep – healing is impaired.

It’s hard to measure exactly sleep’s protective effect on the immune system, and researchers don’t know precisely how sleep improves immunity. Like antioxidants, sleep may help reduce oxidative stress, which then stops cells from being weakened and harmed. But “clearly, sleep – at least seven hours a night – is associated with increased resistance to infectious diseases,” says Polsky.

To Be Continued....

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How the Immune System Works - Part 2

Building Healthy Immunity

There’s no single pill or supplement you can take to boost your immune system. Instead, adopting these healthy living habits can help improve your immunity for a lifetime.  

Go for a walk: Sitting around not only can leave you feeling sluggish, it also can make your immune system sluggish. Exercise, on the other hand, helps boost immunity.

“We know exercise is good for immune function,” says Polsky. The good news, he says, is that you don’t need elaborate exercise programs and personal trainers. “Even fast walking – getting your heart rate up for 20 minutes three times a week -- is associated with increased immune function,” Polsky tells WebMD.

Researchers aren’t sure exactly how exercise helps strengthen the immune system. Studies show that people who exercise have better-functioning white blood cells (the ones that help fight off infection) than people who don’t exercise.

Also, exercise is associated with the release of endorphins. “These are natural hormones that affect the brain in positive ways,” Polsky says. They ease pain and promote a sense of relaxation and well-being – all of which can help you de-stress and sleep better, which in turn improve immunity.

Eat a healthy diet: Proper nutrition is essential for your immune system to work well. A diet high in empty calories not only leads to weight gain, but it can leave you more prone to infections. Plus, being overweight is associated with a number of health problems that can also drag your immune system down.

“When the immune system is down, you want to avoid things like alcohol and sugar, especially because microbes love sugar,” says Stephen Sinatra, MD, a certified nutrition specialist and assistant clinical professor of medicine at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine.

To Be Continued....

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How the Immune System Works - Part 1

How the Immune System Works

The immune system is your body’s natural defense system. It’s an intricate network of cells, tissues, and organs that band together to defend your body against invaders. Those invaders can include bacteria, viruses, parasites, even a fungus, all with the potential to make us sick. They are everywhere – in our homes, offices, and backyards. A healthy immune system protects us by first creating a barrier that stops those invaders, or antigens, from entering the body. And if one slips by the barrier, the immune system produces white blood cells, and other chemicals and proteins that attack and destroy these foreign substances. They try to find the antigen and get rid of it before it can reproduce. Failing that, the immune system revs up even more to destroy the invaders as they multiply.

The immune system can recognize millions of different antigens. And it can produce what it needs to eradicate nearly all of them. When it’s working properly, this elaborate defense system can keep health problems ranging from cancer to the common cold at bay.

When the Immune System Breaks Down

Sometimes the immune system makes a mistake and identifies a substance as being harmful when it’s not – think pollen or pet dander. When the immune system revs up to fight these “invaders,” you have an allergic reaction.

Nor can your body fight off every invader. Despite its marvels, the immune system does break down from time to time, says Polsky. “There are diseases that we have no control over, but lifestyle aspects are very, very important,” he tells WebMD.

Not eating healthily, being sedentary, not getting enough sleep, and being under chronic stress can all contribute to a weak immune system. When your immune system is depleted, bacteria, viruses, or toxins can overwhelm the body. The result? You get sick.

To Be Continued....

Friday, September 23, 2011

Meditation : The benefits

We are constantly surrounded by the clamour of traffic, television, computers, and of course cell phones. It is no wonder then, that we often can’t hear ourselves think — or even talk. Somewhere our lives seem to have lost that quiet, alone-time. It is important to pull away from the outer world of commotion and reconnect to our inner silence. 

Sit quietly with hands at your sides or in your lap. Now, with your eyes closed, start to breathe lightly and easily. Let your attention follow your breath. Continue this exercise for two to five minutes — just closing your eyes and focusing your mind on easy, natural breathing. 

Focusing on the breath means keeping the mind alert and free of clutter.The mind often wanders, so this discipline trains the mind to develop focus and concentration. 

Meditation is concentration. It is not really forcing your mind to be quiet; it is finding the quiet that is already there.And it requires perseverance to be able to plunge deep within. 

As you meditate regularly, you will find an appearance of youthful energy and vitality; and calmness that the restless mind so often craves for. 


Nowadays, stress, depression and physical illnesses are major health concerns. 

Meditation causes deep relaxation at the nervous system level, at the muscles level and in the internal organs. Our heart’s ejection fraction improves and even cholesterol management improves. It is observed that since tension in the arteries is reduced, blood pressure is also regulated. Overall, general well-being is felt instantly. In case of diabetics, glucose tolerance improves to a great extent. So, the insulin dependency reduces. It is observed that if it was stress diabetics, i.e., the occurrence of diabetics is after the age of 40 years and above, the dependency on medicines is greatly reduced. 

Day-to-day stress is managed efficiently through meditation, five to 10 minutes of meditation is recommended for persons who are sick or healthy, burdened with responsibilities or pressed for time. l Meditation de-stresses the mind.The mind is able to concentrate better and there is greater clarity of thought. Regular practice equips the mind to deal with life’s problems calmly. 

The heart rate and respiration rate slows down — this results in efficient working of the heart and lungs. When the mind is calm, there is better balance in the body as the cells work in unison, bringing harmony and health to the system. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Health Benefits of Cabbage - Part 2

Red Cabbage has more phytonutrients than the green cabbage. The vitamin C content of red cabbage is 6-8 times higher than that of the green cabbage.

Red cabbage contain anthocyanin (red pigment/color) is an antioxidant that can help protect brain cells, thus can help prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Cabbage is abundant is Vitamin C. You will be surprised to know that it is richer in vitamin C than the famous oranges. Vitamin C, being one of the best anti oxidant, reduces free radicals in your body which are the basic causes of ageing. It also helps repairing the wear and tears in the body. Thus it is very helpful in treating ulcers, certain cancers, depressions, for strengthening immune system and fighting against cough and cold, healing of wounds and damaged tissues, proper functioning of nervous system and thereby help curing Alzheimer’s disease etc.

Cabbage is very rich in fiber. This helps retain water and forms the bulk of the food and the bowels. Thus it is a good cure for constipation and related problems.

Cabbage is a good detoxifier too, i.e. it purifies blood and removes toxins (primarily free radicals and uric acid which is major cause for rheumatism, gout, arthritis, renal calculi, skin diseases, eczema, hardening and de-colorization of skin etc.). This detoxifying effect of cabbage is due to the presence of vitamin C and sulphur.


Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Health Benefits of Cabbage - Part 1

Health Benefits of Cabbage

The health benefits of cabbage include treatment of constipation, stomach ulcers, headache, excess weight, skin disorders, eczema, jaundice, scurvy, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, eye disorders, heart diseases, ageing, and Alzheimer's disease.

Did you know that the cheap, humble looking and so widely used cabbage could work miracles? Cabbage is a leafy vegetable of Brassica family, round or oval in shape, consisting of soft light green or whitish inner leaves covered with harder and dark green outer leaves. It is widely used throughout the world, eaten cooked or raw as salad and is a very popular vegetable.

Cabbage contain phytonutrients, works to protect the body from free radicals that can damage the cell membranes. Phytonutrients also signal our genes to increase its production of enzymes involved in detoxification.

Cabbage may lower the incidence of cancer, especially in the lung, stomach and colon prostate.

Cabbage is a muscle builder, blood cleanser and eye strengthener.

The juice of fresh raw cabbage has been proven to heal stomach ulcer.

Cabbage is rich in iron and sulfur. Juice of fresh cabbage is effective in treating fungus infection (due to it sulfur content).

Cabbage can lower serum cholesterol.

Cabbage contain Sulforaphane, a substance that can increase the production of antioxidant and detoxification enzymes. Sulforaphane works by stimulating the production of glutathione, the body's most important internally produced antioxidant which plays a role in liver detoxification.
To Be Continued....
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.  

Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Healthy Benefits of Tulsi / Holy Basil - Part 2

Heart Disorder: Basil has a beneficial effect in cardiac disease and the weakness resulting from them. It reduces the level of blood cholesterol.

Children's Ailments: Common pediatric problems like cough cold, fever, diarrhea and vomiting respond favorably to the juice of basil leaves. If pustules of chicken pox delay their appearance, basil leaves taken with saffron will hasten them.

Stress: Basil leaves are regarded as an 'adaptogen' or anti-stress agent. Recent studies have shown that the leaves afford significant protection against stress. Even healthy persons can chew 12 leaves of basil, twice a day, to prevent stress. It purifies blood and helps prevent several common elements.

Mouth Infections: The leaves are quit effective for the ulcer and infections in the mouth. A few leaves chewed will cure these conditions.

Insect Bites: The herb is a prophylactic or preventive and curative for insect stings or bites. A teaspoonful of the juice of the leaves is taken and is repeated after a few hours. Fresh juice must also be applied to the affected parts. A paste of fresh roots is also effective in case of bites of insects and leeches.

Skin Disorders: Applied locally, basil juice is beneficial in the treatment of ringworm and other skin diseases. It has also been tried successfully by some naturopaths in the treatment of leucoderma.

Teeth Disorder: The herb is useful in teeth disorders. Its leaves, dried in the sun and powdered, can be used for brushing teeth. It can also be mixed with mustered oil to make a paste and used as toothpaste. This is very good for maintaining dental health, counteracting bad breath and for massaging the gums. It is also useful in pyorrhea and other teeth disorders.

Headaches: Basil makes a good medicine for headache. A decoction of the leaves can be given for this disorder. Pounded leaves mixed with sandalwood paste can also be applied on the forehead for getting relief from heat, headache, and for providing coolness in general.

Warning : The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.