Friday, November 18, 2011

Cholesterol Tests

What cholesterol is, and what it does to our bodies.

Cholesterol Test

Our liver produces a wax like substance which is also found in some foods. This waxy substance called cholesterol is needed in order to produce vitamin D. It is also used by our bodies to build walls around cells, and to make bile salts that will allow us to digest fats. A thousand milligrams of cholesterol is produced by our liver each day, which is enough to sustain us without ever eating another cholesterol loaded thing. There are so many foods that contain cholesterol that it is not easy to avoid it. A cholesterol test helps that.

Heart disease is only one of the problems that can come from too much cholesterol, but there are ways to contain it. The one thing you need to do first is talk to your doctor and have a cholesterol test. A cholesterol meter, monitor, or other testing kit, can be used at home to monitor levels on a regular basis, and so adjust your lifestyle to improve your health and lessen the chances of getting a life threatening illness in the future.
The test is different from most of the other medical tests any adult might undergo, as it is not necessarily used for diagnosing disease, or to monitor a disease.

The cholesterol test is used for noting whether the patient is at risk for a disease such as heart disease or atherosclerosis, or perhaps death from a stroke or heart attack. An important part of preventative health is the cholesterol test.

There are two types of cholesterol (also known as lipoproteins) and they are HDL which is the high density, and LDL which is the low density.

HDL is considered to be the good cholesterol, and LDL is considered to be the bad cholesterol. The bad cholesterol will block the blood vessels and keep the blood from flowing through the body properly.
A routine cholesterol test is done during a patient’s routine physical at least once every five years. This is so unless the patient has a history of having a cholesterol problem; then it is suggested that the patient have a cholesterol test several times throughout the year. This is to monitor how well the cholesterol is being held at bay.

There is much talk these days about high cholesterol and the diet, and sometimes altering eating and drinking habits can make a big difference. Many patients that have been diagnosed with high cholesterol will need to have medication and diets prescribed for them.

A cholesterol test may be needed more frequently if the patient is at higher risk for heart disease because one of these factors which are considered to be major :
• The patient is a smoker,
• The patient is over the age of forty five (men) and fifty five (women).
• The patient suffers from hypertension with a blood pressure of more that 140/90,
• If the patient has a family history of premature heart disease,
• If the patient has already had a history of heart problems, or
• If the patient has diabetes.