Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Straighten Your Squint ! - Part 2

When should one suspect it?
The most important sign is when eyes are not positioned straight. When a child turns his face or tilts head to see in a particular direction.
Closes one eye in bright sunlight.

What happens if untreated?
Amblyopia (lazy eye) is a gradual deterioration of vision in an otherwise normal eye. The risk is greater in children below 10 years of age. Once the eye becomes lazy, it tends to be irreversible, unless intervened appropriately.

How does squint correction help?
Straightens the eyes (cosmetic), restores vision, preserves binocularity (To use both eyes simultaneously).

1) Orthoptics : It is a medical term for the eye muscle training programs. Orthoptics treat muscle problems only in regards to strength and is usually done using a special machine called the synaptophore. Customarily, all squint patients, especially those whose axis of deviation is not too much, are given a trial of exercises. 

2) Surgery : Squint surgery is reserved for those whose angle of deviation is great or those who have  had a trial of exercises and found inadequate improvement.

Source : Dr.Keiki Mehta, ophthalmologist.