Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ways to Stop Overeating - Part 2

  • Share your feelings — sad, bad or otherwise — with family or friends.
  • Seek support from others trying to lose weight — family, friends or online buddies. They're there to help, and want to see you succeed.
  • Look to calming alternatives if stress is your trigger. Anything from deep breathing to yoga to arts and crafts could help. And don't forget: Exercise is a great tranquillizer. (It also reduces your appetite!)
  • Count to ten. Is overeating your way of coping with anger? Consider other ways of dealing with negative emotions, such as learning assertiveness techniques.
  • Find other ways to fill the void. If you typically overeat when you're looking for emotional nourishment; stop. Feed your spirit by caring for yourself as well as you can during times when you feel unloved, under-appreciated or unworthy. Be your own biggest fan and try to focus on your successes, not to the occasional lapse. 
  • Be patient and forgiving of yourself. Long-established complex habits won't change overnight.
  • Avoid all-or-nothing thinking, such as "I've already blown my weight loss plan, I might as well finish off the box." Accept that you may go off the rails from time to time. So you've lost six pounds and regained three? It's important to congratulate yourself for the pounds that you lost. You're doing a great job!
