Thursday, March 4, 2010

Minerals and Hair Loss - Part 3

What Causes Mineral Imbalance ?

Diet :
improper diet through high intake of refined and processed foods, alcohol and fad diets can all lead to chemical imbalance. Even the nutrient content of a 'healthy' diet can be inadequate, depepnding upon the soil in which the food was grown or the method in which it was prepared.

Stress :
Physical or emotional stress can deplete the body of many nutrients while also reducing the capability to absorb and utilise many nutrients.

Medications :
Both prescription and over-the-counter medications can deplete the body stores of nutrient minerals and / or increase the levels of toxic metals. These medications include diuretics, antacids, aspirin and oral contraceptives.

To Be Continued....

Source : Dr. Sonal Shah & TOI