Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Major Facts For Stress - Part 2

We continue today with the remaining major facts of STRESS.

5. It can be lessened through healthy intimate relationships. Psychiatrists also found out that for the avoidance of excessive stress being married is better than being divorced or single.

6. There are major stressful events connected to it. Studies also showed that the death of a child is the most stressful of any life’s events. Other items include a jail sentence, major financial problems, divorce and the beginning of an extra-marital affair. Some of the environmental factors that may be related to stress are the status of health, the social class, and the size of the household.

7. There are also some stresses that cannot be controlled. Too much stress can show itself in various emotional, behavioral and physical signs, and the signs of stress differ extremely according to each individual.

Usual Physical, Emotional and Behavioral Signs of Stress :

The physical indications of stress include sleep interruptions, tense muscles, annoyance, gastrointestinal problem, and exhaustion. Its emotional and behavioral indications consist of apprehension, fear, alterations in eating practices, depleted energy, and mood swings. All of the symptoms given cannot tell whether a person has an elevated stress level because these indications may be due to other medical or mental problems.

It is also a fact that persons in stress are most likely to maintain harmful activities like drug and alcohol addiction, excessive cigarette smoking, and poor eating habits. These harmful activities can extremely add to the severity of the indications connected to stress.

Remember that all people may be prone to stress, no matter what age you are in and no matter what status of life you have. The extent may vary also depending on how you take up the challenge that goes with it. If you have a support system with you, it is easy to do away with the situation. But at the worse, it may only lead you to panic attacks.


Image Credit : Funzug.com
Source : Indian Express

Monday, March 29, 2010

Major Facts For Stress - Part 1

STRESS is already a part of daily living. You may never know it but you are already affected by this issue. You shout at your kids or nag your partner about something. You seem to raise an issue out of a particular event even if it is not true. You also tend to be suspicious at some points. All these are due to stress.

Scientifically, stress is a state of high tension or pressure, resulting from an accident or injury or a psychological reaction of heightened emotional response. Certain occupations are particularly stressful, such as acting, advertising, controlling air traffic, politics, investing and gambling. As an effect of stressful emotions such as panic attacks, fear and anger, the blood pressure rises, the pulse beats faster, breathing is accelerated, digestion stops, and the adrenal glands become overactive.


1. It can be caused by many factors. Fear and anxiety are the greatest causes of psychological stress. In modern times people are constantly beset by the threat of calamities. They fear depression and inflation, unemployment, cancer and heart failure, missiles and bombs and famine. At home they may be confronted with marital incompatibility, quarrels, family illness, or financial troubles.

2. It can also cause something. Many illnesses are caused by mental stress, including ulcers, spastic constipation, diarrhea, high blood pressure and migraine headaches. Sometimes latent mental disorders are precipitated by stressful circumstances, as in the case of manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia, hysteria and neurasthenia.

3. It can worsen through time. When a person is subjected to repeated stresses, she is likely to develop what people call nervous breakdown, an unscientific but expressive term. The stress produced by the problems of everyday living has led to the widespread use of tranquilizers, a last resort when there seems to be no escape from a difficult situation.

4. It happens in daily living. Stress exists in almost every human activity and is not the same as nerve tension. Some stress is beneficial since it may stimulate action.
To Be Continued.....

Image Credit : Funzug.com
Source : Indian Express

Friday, March 26, 2010

10 Great Ways to Burn More Fat - Part 2

Yesterday we saw 5 ways to Burn more FAT. Today we take look of the rest 5 ways.

6. Tired at night and just want to sit in front of the TV? Try this technique: take periodic five-minute exercise breaks and perform some muscle stimulating and calorie burning exercise. For example, take five minutes and perform only ab crunches. Then, when its time for another five-minute exercise break, perform modified push-ups for five minutes. Then for a final five-minute break, perform stationary lunges. Try to do as many as possible in five minutes and try to beat your amount of reps during each subsequent break. It wont seem daunting because its only five minutes at a time, split over a 30 or 60 minute timeframe. Instead of rest breaks, you will take exercise breaks.

7. How about performing one exercise movement per day for seven to 10 minutes? For example, Monday: free-standing squats for seven minutes. Tuesday: chair dips for seven minutes. Wednesday: crunches and hip lifts off the floor for seven minutes. Thursday: modified push-up for seven minutes. Friday: stationary lunges for seven minutes. Its quick, simple and teaches consistency.

8. Want things even simpler? Take the longest route every time you have to walk somewhere even if its to a co-workers office.

9. Double-up the stairs. Everytime you take the stairs, simply take a double step walk or every other stair. It will be just like lunges and the Stairmaster combined. Great for the legs and butt.

10. Perform any of the above with your spouse or a friend. You can find someone who is in the same situation. The support will give you more motivation and you just may find that you can create even more workout time for yourself.


Disclaimer : The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions of this article. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the Writer/Sender.

This EMAIL is provided as general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

10 Great Ways to Burn More Fat - Part 1

You're so busy you have absolutely no time to work out, right? Wrong. Its important that you make the time and we can help you do it. In this busy world filled with work pressure, family and stress we sometimes have to be creative to sneak in workout time.

Find some quick tips to keep you moving, your muscles stimulated and your blood flowing in minimal time. Now you have no excuse.

Here are 10 fat-burning tips for people :

1. When you first wake up commit to 10 minutes of continuous exercise. Choose only three movements and perform each in succession without stopping for 10 minutes.
For example, Monday you can perform modified push-ups, followed by crunches for your abs followed by stationary lunges.

On Tuesday you can perform free-standing squats with hands on hips, double crunch for abs, and close grip modified push-ups (hands three inches apart) for your triceps. Just 10 minutes..!

2. Perform timed interval walking in your neighborhood or at lunch. If it takes 10 minutes to walk to a certain destination near your office or in your neighborhood, try to make it in 8 minutes.

3. If you have stairs in your home or in your work place, commit to taking the stairs a specific number of times. Tell yourself that you will take the stairs six or eight times (no matter what).

4. While seated, perform some isometric exercise to help strengthen and tighten your muscles. For example, while in a seated position, simply contract the abdominals for 30 seconds while breathing naturally. You can also tighten and contract your legs for 60 seconds. Perform about three sets per area. You'll feel your muscles get tighter in just three weeks if you perform this a few times per week.

5. For about $15.00 (Rs. 400) you can invest in a pedometer. It's a small device you can carry that records the number of miles you walk per day. Each week simply try to add just a bit more to the mileage. For example, let's say you walk one mile total during the day in the normal course of activities; try to make it two miles total the following week. Make a game of it. You'll burn more calories.

To Be Continued .....


Disclaimer : The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions of this article. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the Writer/Sender.

This EMAIL is provided as general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally - Part 2

Yesterday we saw 3 ways to reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally. Today we will see the rest 5 ways :

Whether you have a family history of high blood pressure or not, reducing your salt intake of salt can make a  huge difference to your health. before adding that extra pinch of salt to your food, think if you really need it. Try substituting salt with lime, garlic, pepper or other herbs and spices. Go slow on processed and packaged foods. Potato chips, frozen chicken nuggets, bacon, etc are high in sodium. Try calculating your daily sodium consumption. Keep a food diary and you may be surprised at how much you are taking in.

The darker variety of chocolate has flavonols that make blood vessels more elastic. Choose one that has at least 70 per cent cocoa to really reap the benefits. 

While it does provide some health benefits, alcohol can also be bad for your health. If consumed in small amounts, it can prevent heart attacks and coronary artery disease. But, more than one or two drinks and the benefits are gone. Keep a check on your drinking patterns and if you are a heavy drinker, start reducing slowly. Never indulge in binge drinking. Consuming four or five drinks in a row can cause a sudden increase in blood pressure.

Herbal teas are the way to go. In a study conducted, those who sipped on hibiscus tea daily lowered their blood pressure. Many herbal teas contain hibiscus or you can always opt for green tea. The effects of caffeine are still debatable. Drinking caffeinated beverages can temporarily increase pressure. The solution is to check your pressure within 30 minutes of drinking a cup of coffee to determine if it works for your body.

Reducing the number of hours you spend in office can help lower hypertension. Working overtime makes it hard to exercise and eat healthy. Ensure that you get out of office at a decent hour. Learning to relax by listening to soothing music can help.


Source : Health Wellness, TOI

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally - Part 1

High Blood Pressure contributes to an alarming number of deaths each year. Although it may not have apparent symptoms, high blood pressure leads to heart attacks and strokes aside from also causing kidney failures. You can reduce your blood pressure by reducing your weight (if you are obese) and making a few small changes in your life, say doctors.

Walking at a brisk pace can help lower your pressure. A good workout will ensure the heart uses oxygen more efficiently. Getting a rigorous cardio workout 4 to 5 times a week can make a huge difference. Start by incorporating about 15 minutes of exercise in your daily routine and slowly increase the time and difficulty level.

Learning some slow breathing and meditation techniques can do you wonders. It will help reduce stress drastically and keep your blood pressure in check. Try taking 10 minutes every morning and at night. Inhale and Exhale deeply. If you can, join a yoga class for some time, so that you can learn the proper method.

You have probably heard of the negative effects of sodium on the body and potassium is an essential mineral to counter the effects of sodium on blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium. Try adding sweet potatoes, tomatoes, orange juice, potatoes, bananas, peas, and prunes and raisins to your regular diet.

To Be Continued....

Source : Health Wellness, TOI

Monday, March 22, 2010

Heavy snorers face an increased risk of developing diabetes !

Heavy snorers face an increased risk of developing diabetes, say scientists. According to researchers, frequent snorers are up to 50 per cent more likely to develop diabetes than those who sleep silently at night.

Researchers claim that people who snore regularly are more prone to changes in body metabolism that lead to the disorder. Complications include heart attacks or strokes, reports The Daily Express.

However, treatment for chronic snoring slashes the risk of diabetes, suggested study of a snoring-related condition called sleep apnoea at Yale University in the United States.

Muscles in the airways relax as sleep begins but sleep apnoea causes a complete collapse that shuts off breathing leading to the brain jolting sufferers awake throughout the night.

The study concluded: “Sleep apnoea is significantly associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes, independently of other risk factors such as age, race, sex or weight. And an increase in the severity of snoring is associated with a raised risk of diabetes.”

Source : DSD Group Email

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

WHAT A WAIST...........

The profile of your waist and midriff is being presented all the time. So don’t slouch or stick your tummy out. Instead, straighten up with your shoulders back and your seat tucked in and stomach pulled in. This will keep your tummy muscles stretched, firm, flat and elegant.


Stand with feet apart. Back straight and your hands clasped behind your head.

Twist from the waist upwards round to your right. Return to the original position and twist round to the left.

Repeat 20 times.


Rest on your hands and knees.

Raise your right leg to the side keeping it straight and perpendicular to the body.

Make eight forward circles and eight backward circles with your legs.

Repeat five times with each leg.

Source : Body Basics, TOI

Friday, March 5, 2010

Minerals and Hair Loss - Part 4

What Causes Mineral Imbalance ?    ( Continued ... )

Pollution :

From adolescence through adulthood the average person is continually exposed to a variety of toxic metal sources such as cigarette smoke (cadnium), hair dyes (lead), hydrogenated oils (nicle), anti-perspirants (aluminium), dental amalgams (mercury and cadnium), copper and aluminium cookware and lead-based cosmetics. These are just a few of the hundreds of sources which can contribute to nutrient imbalances and adverse metabolic effects. Nutritional Supplements - Taking incorrect supplements or improper amounts of supplements can produce many vitamin and mineral excesses and / or deficiences, contributing to an overall biochemical imbalance.

Inherited patterns :

A pre-disposition towards certain mineral imbalances, deficiences and excesses can be inherited from parents. Hair provides one of the best medium for mineral analysis of the body. Hair is an ideal tissue for sampling and testing.


Source : Dr. Sonal Shah is one of the world's leading Trichologist & founder of Richfeel Trichology Centres.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Minerals and Hair Loss - Part 3

What Causes Mineral Imbalance ?

Diet :
improper diet through high intake of refined and processed foods, alcohol and fad diets can all lead to chemical imbalance. Even the nutrient content of a 'healthy' diet can be inadequate, depepnding upon the soil in which the food was grown or the method in which it was prepared.

Stress :
Physical or emotional stress can deplete the body of many nutrients while also reducing the capability to absorb and utilise many nutrients.

Medications :
Both prescription and over-the-counter medications can deplete the body stores of nutrient minerals and / or increase the levels of toxic metals. These medications include diuretics, antacids, aspirin and oral contraceptives.

To Be Continued....

Source : Dr. Sonal Shah & TOI

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Minerals and Hair Loss - Part 2

Importance of Minerals :

Recognizing that you have the required mineral content in your body will help out just to
balance your health, but this can also support healthy hair. Mineral imbalance is by far the most common cause of hair loss. The important minerals to consider are copper, iron, silicon and zinc. Minerals need to be in balance with each other. Too much of one minerals in some cases can cause an imbalance in another.

Copper can help stimulate hair growth if a copper deficiency is present and is involved in the prevention and possibly treatment of hair loss. Too much copper can actually cause hair loss.

Recently there have been studies carried out on iron deficiency which can be a major cause of hair loss. Taking iron suppelements is not a good idea though. Getting iron naturally in food would be a better choice.

Potassium deficiency can also cause hair loss. Silicon is said to be able to stimulate hair growth. Silicon is present in cucumbers among other foods.

Early or premature hair loss may be a result of zinc deficiency.

The sulphuric compound methylsulphonylmethane (MSM) can help hair growth due to its sulphur content.

To Be Continued....

Source : Dr. Sonal Shah & TOI

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Minerals & Hair Loss - Part 1

Today, we live in a world where fashion, stress, our lifestyle and a fragile ecosystem have become modern day maladies. All this infuses a high level of toxicity in our body along with mineral imbalances in our system.

Minerals by far, are the most important constituents of every cell in our body and vital nutrients such as vitamins. proteins enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, sugar, oils, etc require minerals for proper cellular function. Also, all bodily processes depend upon the action and presence of minerals.

Minerals are very important for nutrition. Vitamins are required for every bodily biochemical process. However, vitamins cannot function unless minerals are present. Minerals are needed for healing. Tissue rebuilding occurs more readily when the body has access to the necessary minerals. 

To Be Continued....

Source : Dr. Sonal Shah & TOI

Monday, March 1, 2010

Healthy Heart Tips

Further to the post on Bypass Surgery, we post today some tips for a Healthy Heart Tips :

  • Give a kickstart to your day with a hearty breakfast. have foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins and increased metabolism.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevators.
  • Park at the farthest spot and walk to the office.
  • Say NO to sugar in your many cups of tea / coffee during the day.
  • Limit your tea / coffee to two cups to avoid excess caffeine.
  • Save yourself from stress by taking a break from time to time.

Source : TOI