Friday, April 8, 2011

Leading Causes Of Stress - Part 2

Caring for children
Children are very demanding of attention and can be a handful. If you work and have young children to take care of, it becomes difficult for you to find time to yourself and relax. Raising children and working a full time job can burn you out.

Problems with spouse or partner
Divorce, an affair, or an abusive relationship can be extremely stressful situations that are difficult to cope with. When we fall out of love, our trust is betrayed, or feel unloved by others, we are deeply, emotionally hurt. We may suffer feelings of low self esteem, hopelessness and self-pity. All of which are negative emotions that feed stress.

You will notice that many of the stress factors listed above are things which one has no control over. This lack of control makes one feel uneasy and can cause a person to worry about the future, yet another cause of stress.

To give you an idea of how serious stress is in our society, it has been discovered in studies that more than 40% of adults suffer from stress related health problems; over 80% of doctor visits are stress related; and more than 59% of employee absence are a result of psychological stress.


Source : Bavol