Friday, May 27, 2011

Heat Exhaustion - Part 2

First Aid 

  • Immediately move the person into a cool place, away from direct sunlight.
  • Remove extra clothing from the body.
  • Cool the patient's entire body by sponging or spraying cool water; but do not us ice.
  • Apply ice packs only on neck and armpits; where large blood vessels are in close proximity to the skin surface and fan the person to lower the body temperature.
  • Check the patient's rectal temperature frequently and try to bring it down to 102 Fahrenheit.
  • Do not administer aspirin or paracetamol as these medicines may have some adverse reactions.
  • If the patient is awake and alert enough to swallow, make him drink fluids for hydration. 
  • Also, ensure that the patient is sitting-up while drinking so that he does not choke. Avoid oral fluids if a person has an altered level of consciousness and cannot drink safely.


  • Limit alcohol intake.
  • Discuss with your doctor about medications and drugs that interfere with heat dissipation.
  • Drink fluids at regular intervals and not just based only on thirst.
  • Frequent cooling breaks and visits to air-conditioned / cool environments are important. Even a brief spell in such environment can drastically reduce the incidence of heat stroke.

Source : TOI