Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tips to Stay cool in Hot Summer... - Part 1

Useful tips to beat the Heat..

It's official. Experts say, the temperatures recorded last weekend  have been the highest in five years. The mercury may show no sign of dipping, but you can arm yourself with some of these very useful tips and tricks to brave the heat :

1)   Fitness : A hot workout 

Avoid dark colors while working out as they absorb heat. Wear apparel that's breathable. Give track pants a miss, wear shorts instead. Stop tying your sweat shirts around your hip, you are just trapping heat.

While Exercising, your feet sweat, so avoid wearing synthetic socks.Powder the feet with a prickly heat powder and ensure you dry your shoes after exercise.

Have a glass of water before you start as it takes time for fluids to get absorbed into the system. Ideally, you need 100 ml of water every 20 minutes of exercise.

210-220 celcius is the best temperature at which you should exercise.

Best time to get your body moving is before 8 am or just after sunset. Never exercise mid-morning when you experience the maximum effect of the sun's UV rays.

If you are working out outdoors, try and pace the intensity. 
E.g. if 20 minutes of cardio burns 400 calories, space it out to over 30 or more minutes and do not do it intensely.

Avoid steam and sauna as your normal body temperature is 370 degree C and a sauna will work adversely. 

2)   Health : Grasp ailments 

Headaches and migraines get precipitated by heat. Avoid walking in the sun or wear a hat. Avoid fermented foods  and citrus fruits.

Those who do not sweat a lot are prone to heat-related exhaustion manifested in fatigue, light-headedness, etc. At an extreme level, it leads to a heat stroke or you may be paralysed or unconscious.

Skin allergies like psoriasis too get aggravated because of dehydration.

The body is composed of 60-65 per cent water, distributed 2/3rd in the cells and 1/3rd outside them. When the body is dehydrated, the organs complain through aches and pains. At its worst, dehydration can lead to renal failure and unconsciousness.

Excess sun causes nose bleeds because of excess pressure of heat on the nostrils. Boils and sun burn are also common. 

The best way to counter them is drink plenty of fluids and avoid alcohol and smoking. Have instant energy boosters such as honey, electrolytes or glucose.

Maintain immunity with fruits such as papaya and pineapple.

To Be Continued......